Former Massachusetts U.S. Senator Scott Brown tore into Hillary Clinton and made a solid case for Donald Trump on this week’s edition of Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius/XM Patriot Channel 125 from 10 AM to 1 PM ET.

“He’s doing better than Hillary Clinton in that people just don’t like her and they don’t trust her. It’s one thing after another with her. These two sets of rules, one for her and the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton and one for everybody else,” Brown said.

“People kind of get the fact that Donald’s politically incorrect. I understand that. He’s said some things that — rightly so he apologized for yesterday. But the difference between his mistakes and Hillary Clinton’s mistakes is that her mistakes have cost people their lives, or they’ve cost countries their sovereignty. Libya in particular, where it’s basically in complete turmoil,” Brown added.

Brown also weighed in on Barack Obama’s decision not to visit Louisiana while Trump has already touched down in the state. Obama is eventually going to the flood-ravaged state on Tuesday.

“If I were the president I would be there long before this,” Brown said. “He’s checked out…he’s ready to set up his museum…He’s playing golf.”

Brown said that poor working people have an incentive to vote for Trump.

“Especially the African-American community. What do you got to lose? I kind of agree with him,” Brown said. He continued:

If you like the business-as-usual approach, and not having these school choice opportunities, or the employment opportunities, or the ability to get out of that cycle of poverty then you vote for Hillary Clinton. But if you want a chance to get out and have an opportunity to go where you want your kids to excel with school choice, and you want to have an opportunity to have a higher-paying job instead of working at McDonald’s and battling for $15 an hour, not that that’s not good, but it’s meant to be an entry-level position. Then you vote for Donald Trump.