DES MOINES, Iowa — Donald Trump received a rockstar welcome from roughly two-thousand people when he took the stage as “I’m Proud to Be an American” played from the speakers at Sen. Joni Ernst’s second annual Roast and Ride in Des Moines, Iowa on Saturday.

“The GOP is offering voters a chance to break up the corrupt establishment and create a new American future,” the Republican nominee stated. “This chance will never come again.”

“Our campaign is about protecting those who have no power,” he added. “These are the people that work hard, but don’t have a voice.”

The outsider added that his campaign is about “restoring honesty and accountability in government.”

Trump, who spoke from a teleprompter, remained on message, attacking his rival Hillary Clinton’s “pay for play State Department.”

“She thinks she’s above the law,” he stated about Clinton. “The truth is, she lies.”

“She’s unfit to serve in the oval office,” he added.”The Clintons have had their time on the stage, but now it’s time to close that chapter in the history book and open a brand new beautiful chapter.”

Trump said that the former secretary of state will raise taxes substantially, which will impact family farms. In Iowa, 97 percent of the farms are family-owned, according to the Iowa Farm Bureau website. “She will sell you out,” the New Yorker added.

According to the most recent CBS News / YouGov Iowa poll, Trump and Clinton are tied in the Hawkeye state.

Several hundred bikers participated in Ernst’s Roast and Ride on Saturday morning, finishing a 42-mile ride at the Iowa State Fairgrounds where they enjoyed BBQ and heard from the Republican nominee.

“I also want to take a moment to thank the bikers who have been so good to me throughout this campaign. I can’t tell you how much it means to me,” Trump stated. “They are fantastic people who truly love our country.”