The Republican National Committee (RNC) is releasing a new video aimed at Hispanics, highlighting the differences between the campaigns of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on education issues.

GOP Hispanics: The Week Ahead | Education” features RNC Hispanic Media Press Secretary Sofia Boza explaining Hillary Clinton’s plan to take more educational choices out of the hands of parents while she further empowers teachers unions and Washington bureaucrats who are her supporters.

“Parents know what is best for their children, including the best goals,” says Boza in the video. “Hillary Clinton opposes school choice, even though she knows many public schools fail our kids. Hillary puts her political interest and that of unions and bureaucrats ahead of our children.”

“Donald Trump is a strong believer in education, but one that is run at the local level far away from Washington bureaucrats,” she adds. “He puts children and family first.”

The video is the latest in the “GOP Hispanics: The Week Ahead” series, in which Hispanic Republicans explain GOP principles on a variety of issues.

Since even before her husband, former President Bill Clinton, first took office in 1993, the Clintons have been working toward the effort that is now called Common Core – a set of nationalized standards developed by three organizations in Washington D.C.: the National Governors Association (NGA), the Council for Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), and education company Achieve Inc. All three organizations were privately funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and none of these groups are accountable to parents, teachers, students, or taxpayers.

During her first campaign event last year, Hillary Clinton praised Common Core, referring to it as “the most important non-family enterprise,” and questioned how the nationalized reform could become so unpopular:

And a lot of states…do not understand the value of a core in the sense, a Common Core, yes, of course, you can figure out the best way in your community to try to reach — but your question is a larger one. How do we end up at a point where we are so negative about the most important non-family enterprise in the raising of the next generation which is how our kids are educated?

“Hillary Clinton is so sold out to special interests that she is willing to keep children trapped in failing schools in order to keep the teachers’ unions funding her campaign happy,” says RNC chairman Reince Priebus. “Her opposition to school choice further confirms she’s completely dedicated to propping up the failed status quo, while Donald Trump stands for local control of education, returning power to parents, and a new direction for our country in every way.”