Donald Trump tells the American Legion in Cincinnati, Ohio that he will promote American patriotism and strength if he’s elected President of the United States.

“The men and women of the American Legion represent the best of America. Strength, courage, selfless devotion. Your organization, and its members, have done so much to defend our country, our flag, and to advance the cause of Americanism – not Globalism,” Trump began. “We are in your debt. I will never let you down.”

The Republican nominee stressed promoting American pride and patriotism in schools.

“We want our kids to learn the incredible achievement of America’s history,” he explained. “We want young Americans to recite the pledge of allegiance.”

He said his goal as president is for the country to become united as “one American nation.”

“One country, under one constitution, saluting one American Flag,” he added. “I will work with the American Legion to help strengthen respect for our flag.”

Trump promoted a military and foreign policy of through “peace through strength.”

“We are going to end the era of nation building,” he promised.

Trump also vowed to reform the VA, referencing his ten point plan to reform the VA that is detailed on his website.

He closed by asking for their vote, declaring, “Working in unison, we can deliver the real American change our country so desperately needs.”