A video produced by a Rochester, New York family entertainer aims to teach young children to accept adults of the opposite sex entering their bathrooms.

“Mr. Loops” says on his Facebook page that he provides “wholesome fun” for family events.

In his new video, he and his wife dance around bathroom stalls with animal character puppets, singing “Pee is pee, poo is poo, me is me and you is you.”

“No matter your gender, we gotta remember, it all comes out the same in the end,” sings Mr. Loops, aka Jon Lewis. “Everyone needs a place, to go where they feel safe. We gotta respect each other.”

LGBTQ Nation’s assessment of Mr. Loops’ video is that he “explains bathrooms and bigots in the best possible way.”

As Newsbusters observes, however, privacy and safety appear to be lost on Mr. and Mrs. Loops.

“Apparently, the irony of safety and respect are lost on the clownish couple,” the report explains. “In a time where media coverage of sexual assault is so high, the logical disconnect is mind boggling.”

Mr. Loops poo-poos objections to transgender bathrooms by singing that they’re essentially no big deal.

“Portapotties are a potty everybody shares, so are potties inside our houses, and nobody cares,” he croons.

However, individual, gender neutral bathrooms have never been a problem. In fact, retailer Target recently responded to a protest by American consumers that forced the big box store to back away from its support for the radical LGBT agenda.

“Instead of opening all bathrooms and changing rooms to both sexes — for the benefit of a small number of transgender people — as the company promised in April, it is now set to spend $20 million on building new lockable, single-user restrooms,” Breitbart News reported in August.

Mr. Loops, however, is apparently using the tools of dancing puppets and funny costumes to sell his “tolerance” theme to young children just as television toy manufacturers have also successfully used them for years.

“I imagined kids and families singing [the song] and laughing,” he told LGBTQ Nation, “all the while instilling a sense of acceptance and awareness to this ‘issue.’”