While some polls after the Republican and Democratic conventions show Donald Trump tied with Hillary Clinton, internet retailer CafePress claims it can accurately track the electorate’s mood with its large consumer base — and customers appear to be decidedly anti-Hillary.

Anti-Hillary merchandise outsells anti-Trump merchandise by a staggering 814.88 percent, according to the Louisville Business First. (Both the site and CafePress are based in Louisville, Kentucky.) Anti-Hillary gear also outsells pro-Trump products. Given that Trump supporters are chased, beaten, and intimidated for showing their support in public, the pro-Trump sentiment could be suppressed.

Sales in 2016 are 50 percent higher than they were in 2012.

“That’s the energized vote bank that’s going to show up on Election Day. That’s the most passionate part of the population,” said CEO Fred Durham. “They’re all going to the polls. You buy stuff, you’re actually going to vote.” Most of the products sold are also designed by users.

Trump is gaining ground in critical swing states and is neck-and-neck with her in some national polls.