Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton appeared caught off guard during the Commander in Chief presidential forum, snapping at Matt Lauer after he tried to speed up her answer.

Clinton appeared surprised after Lauer grilled her regarding her judgement for using a private email server and challenged her on whether she used her email to send classified information.

After stumbling over her answers, Clinton was trying to distinguish between emails that included classified information versus emails that had classified headers.

“I did exactly what I should have done and I take it very seriously,” she insisted after trying to explain away her behavior. “Always have, always will.”

During an answer on enforcing the Iran deal, Clinton grew combative.

“No wait, let me finish,” she said. “Look, this is an important issue, I know we’re on TV and we don’t have a lot of time.

“I want to get to a lot of questions,” Lauer interjected.

“I will talk quickly,” she continued.

Clinton began the forum on defense, apologizing for her private email server and her vote to go to war in Iraq, calling them both a mistake.

She also tried to obfuscate her positions on foreign policy, accusing Trump of supporting both the war in Iraq and her decision to go into Libya.

At another point, Clinton insisted that she would defeat ISIS without U.S. troops on the ground, something that already exists under President Barack Obama.

Clinton spent the rest of the time ignoring attempts by Matt Lauer to speed up her answers, running out the clock until the forum was over.