Jennifer Bendery of the Huffington Post conducts a “search for a lesbian Donald Trump supporter” and asks the few that she finds why they support the Republican presidential candidate.

From the Huffington Post:

I was about to give up on my quest. How could it be that Melania Trump’s naked photos hadn’t inspired hordes of lesbians to step forward and make America great again? But then, thanks to a friend’s colleague’s acquaintance, I found her: my unicorn. Her name is Jessica. She’s an open lesbian and a closeted Trump fan.

“Most of my friends don’t know I’m supporting him,” said Jessica, who is in her 50s and lives in Washington, D.C. She asked that her last name not be used, for fear of losing her aforementioned friends. “Most of them are really enthusiastic Hillary supporters.”

Jessica said she supports Trump because she’s worried about the economy. She has a lot of family members in working class jobs, living in rural areas plagued by heroin abuse and shuttered factories. She doesn’t think anything would change under Hillary Clinton, and thinks Trump’s ideas about stronger trade deals and corporate tax reform could lift up those towns.

Miracle of miracles, another unicorn came out of the woodwork a few days later. A friend’s friend’s friend put me in touch with Anita, a lesbian who lives in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She said she is definitely voting for Trump, and she is definitely not telling her friends, who all support Clinton.

“There’s some who I know, if I would tell them, they wouldn’t speak to me, at least until the elections are over,” said Anita, who also asked not to use her last name. “It is really hard because most of the time we have to keep our mouths shut, because it’s almost like you throw a kitten to a pack of wolves.”

For Anita, Trump’s appeal is that he’s a straight talker ― which she said is the complete opposite of Clinton, whom she doesn’t trust. She also likes “the fact that he wants to make the country great again.”

She thinks Trump would be good on LGBT issues, too, even though he’s said he would appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn same-sex marriage. She thinks that’s just bluster. “I don’t think he would,” she said. “I think it’s just, you know, political banter.”

Read the rest of the story here.