WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sean Hannity’s actions on behalf of populist nationalism are being noticed and appreciated.

Hannity called out the remaining #NeverTrump stragglers in the conservative intelligentsia in a Twitter offensive late Saturday night.

He went after Bill Kristol, son of Irving, for living the nonprofit lifestyle while Hannity flourishes:

Kristol might have designs on weakening Hannity in the current post-Roger Ailes chaos at Fox News. Greta Van Susteren and Andrea Tantaros departed while Megyn Kelly continues:

He defended his William F. Buckley knowledge against titans of an industry that frequently run pieces about William F. Buckley.

Hannity kept his head high as he defended himself against an onslaught of Twitter backlash:

Hannity recently went after Wall Street Journal editor Bret Stephens in a separate Twitter offensive. Breitbart News reported:

Now, Hannity is defining his place in the new Republican Party, where the Drudge Report, Breitbart News, Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh were placed on Conservative Movement blacklists during the darkest days of the Great Trump-Cruz War.

Since Cleveland, where Trump supporters overthrew the corrupting forces of globalist special interests, the #NeverTrump operatives have been in retreat. Trump humiliated Cruz in Cleveland, prompting black merchants on Cleveland’s Fourth Avenue to start hawking “Ted Cruz Sucks…Hillary Swallows” T-shirts.

The new Republican style has been called “populism through vulgarity.” Maybe that’s fitting in some cases, like the term “cucking,” which is now used casually and publicly by the likes of Edward Snowden over in Russia. But the vulgarity, while fun, masks the deeper importance of this stage of the GOP Civil War.

Some like Bill Kristol are hoping for a Hillary win so that those globalist special interests can come back and re-corrupt the party after November. Bill, son of Irving, was caught leaning up against a wall at the Cleveland Ritz-Carlton pretending to talk on his cell phone so he could spy on Matthew Boyle, Patrick Howley, and Milo Yiannopoulos at our convention.

Hannity is making it known that he stands with the Populist Nationalist Champions of the New and Better Republican Party Borne in Cleveland That Will Reign Supreme For Years To Come.