Welcome to Breitbart News’s live updates of the 2016 election. Donald Trump campaigns in the important swing state of Iowa as President Barack Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia, hoping to gin up enthusiasm for Clinton’s candidacy among young and minority voters.

All times eastern.

10:20: When asked about his debate prep, Trump says he will treat Clinton with “great respect” unless she treats him in a “certain manner” and then “that will be the end of that.”

10:09: Trump says Clinton’s “deplorables” comment is “indefensible” and she did a poor job apologizing for it. Trump says Clinton revealed her true feelings with those remarks.

10:06: When pressed about Clinton’s health, Trump says he doesn’t “want to get involved in it” and hope she recovers and gets back on the campaign trail. Hannity says Clinton’s schedule makes Jeb Bush seem like the “energizer bunny.” Trump says the polls “have gone up amazingly” and adds, “I think we’re going to be victorious.” Trump says Clinton’s Wall Street speeches are important but her emails are more important. “There’s something going on there,” he says of Clinton’s deleted emails.

10:05: Trump tells Hannity that Ivanka has been talking to him about childcare issue long before he decided to run for president. Trump says government is penalizing moms right now, and he says his plan has “sort of everything in there” and families are going to see “something special” and be “tremendous beneficiaries.”

9:05: Gary Johnson pushing to get into the debates:

8:40: Clinton to Greensboro, NC on Thursday:

8:25: Trump not taking voters for granted, showing he has  plenty of “stamina.”

8:17: Trump says it’s time to start believing in America again and blasts Clinton again for her “deplorables” remark.

8:15: Trump says he will outline his economic plan on Thursday that will be fully paid for. He promises it will be something “special” that the country hasn’t seen in decades.

8:10: Ivanka standing right behind her father during speech to improve “optics” when clips of Trump’s speech are played:

8:03: Trump says there is no financial security for families with sick children. He says “these are the people we have to take care of.” Trump says his plan will bring relief to middle-and working-class families re: childcare deductions from state and federal taxes.

8:01: Trump says he has traveled across America detailing plans to make life better for “you and your families.” Trump says we must pursue a future where every American is “honored and respected” and where Americans are put first. He blasts a Washington, D.C. that looks down on “everyday, hardworking America people.” Trump says too often those who have power have nothing but disdain for regular Americans. Trump says childcare policies must update laws that were made when most women were not even in the labor force.

8:00: Trump takes the stage in Pennsylvania to talk about his childcare plan.  Trump says Ivanka has been deeply invested in these issues long before the campaign started. Rep. Blackburn (R-TN) thanks the crowd for the warm reception and wants to say a special thank you to Trump for focusing on women’s issues.

7:50: Ivanka Trump now on stage in Pennsylvania rally. She’s telling the stories of women she has met on the campaign trail. She says childcare is the single greatest expense for Americans and her dad is in a unique position to do something about it. Ivanka Trump says the federal policies re: childcare were written more than 65 years ago to benefit a primarily make workforce. She says her father’s plan will provide relief and options to working families. She says affordable childcare should not be the luxury of a “fortunate few.”

7:38: Trump held roundtable before his Pennsylanvia speech:

Here’s a fact sheet of Trump’s childcare plan:

PROPOSAL: The Trump plan will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents.
• The deduction is available for taxpayers who take the standard deduction as well as itemize deductions, and will be capped at the average cost of care for the state of residence. Individuals earning more than $250,000 (or $500,000 if filing jointly) will not be eligible for the deduction. For a family earning $70,000 per year in the 12 percent tax bracket with $7,000 in child care expenses, the deduction would reduce taxes by $840 per year.
• The plan will offer child care spending rebates to lower-income taxpayers through the existing Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). This could mean almost $1,200 per year per eligible family.
• Mr. Trump’s plan will ensure stay-at-home parents will receive the same tax deduction as working parents, offering compensation for the job they’re already doing, and allowing them to choose the child care scenario that’s in their best interest.
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan would create new Dependent Care Savings Accounts (DCSAs) so that families can set aside extra money to foster their children’s development and offset elder care for their parents or adult dependents. These new accounts are available to everyone, and allow both tax-deductible contributions and tax-free appreciation year-to-year-unlike current law Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), which are available only if it is offered by an employer and does not allow balances to accumulate.
• When established for a minor, funds from a DCSA can be applied to traditional child care, after-school enrichment programs and school tuition-contributing to school choice. To help lower-income parents, the government will match half of the first $1,000 deposited per year.
• When established for an elderly dependent, a DCSA can cover a variety of services, including in-home nursing and long-term care.
PROPOSAL: Mr. Trump’s plan will provide regulatory reform to promote new family-based and community-based solutions, and also add incentives for employers to provide child care at the workplace. The ability to set aside funds will be particularly helpful to women, low-income workers and minorities, who are statistically more likely to reduce time working outside the home in order to provide unpaid care.
PROPOSAL: The Trump plan will guarantee six weeks of paid maternity leave by amending the existing unemployment insurance (UI) that companies are required to carry. The benefit would apply only when employers don’t offer paid maternity leave, and would be paid for by offsetting reductions in the program so that taxes are not raised. This enhancement will triple the average paid leave received by new mothers.
Frequently Asked Questions About The Trump Child Care Plan
Q: How Will The Plan Be Paid For?
• The child care plan is part of the comprehensive tax, trade, energy and regulation reform plan proposed by Donald Trump at the Detroit Economic Club. More details about his tax plan will be discussed later this week at the New York Economic Club. The child care plan itself can more than be offset by additional growth. About two-thirds of the entire Trump tax reform program will offset by the increases in economic activity that accompany pro-growth tax reform, better trade deals, regulatory and immigration reform, and unleashing American energy. The remaining one-third will be offset by minor changes in the current trajectory of spending for federal agency operations, excluding Defense, Veterans, Social Security and Medicare.
Q: Will The Benefits Already Provided For Child Care Expenses, Like The Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account And Child Tax Credit, Be Eliminated Under The Trump Plan?
• No, the benefits provided by the Trump child care plan are in addition to the benefits available under current law. Current programs do not serve the large numbers of families that would benefit from the Trump plan, but if a family finds that it benefits more from existing programs, they would still be available. The only restriction would be that the same child care spending cannot be used for multiple benefits programs—no double-dipping.
Q: Will Same-Sex Couples Receive The Benefits?
• The benefits would be available in the same way that the IRS currently recognizes same-sex couples: if the marriage is recognized under state law, then it is recognized under federal law.
Q: Will The Maternity Leave Policy Cause Employers To View Women As Less Desirable Employees Because Of Paid Leave?
• No. The cost to an employer of hiring should not be affected by this fully-offset policy, so the employer should not view hiring women as adding to their costs of Unemployment Insurance. Further, employers in a competitive marketplace should not eliminate existing maternity care benefits to instead take advantage of the UI system. The UI benefit would only equal what would be paid to a laid-off employee, which is much less than a workers’ regular paycheck. This should prevent abuse while providing a safety net for the sake of the health of mother and child.
Donald J. Trump’s Plan Is More Complete Than Hillary Clinton’s Plan

Point One: Hillary Clinton does not have a plan to provide relief to most Americans faced with high child care costs. She claims she wants to cap a family’s child care expense at 10 percent of income, but provides no details. The Trump plan would provide relief to every working- and middle-income earner who has child care expenses. For example, the Trump plan would reduce taxes by $840 per year a family for earning $70,000 per year in the 12 percent tax bracket with $7,000 in child care expenses; Hillary Clinton’s plan would provide no relief to this family.

Point Two: Hillary Clinton prefers institutional child care that does not meet the needs of workers in rural areas or who have schedules that require working on a night shift or on call. The Trump plan would give states the flexibility to establish standards that fit the needs of state residents without compromising quality.
Point Three: Hillary Clinton would force businesses to pay for 12 weeks of fully-paid family leave at their expense. The Trump plan proposes 6 weeks of partial pay through the existing Unemployment Insurance system, fully paid for within the program.


6:45: Many minority millennials who can’t stand Clinton and Trump seem very open to voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein:

6:40: Gary Johnson with former Indiana Governor, Bush ally, and Purdue President Mitch Daniels at an event:

6:35: Former RNC Chair Marc Racicot says Gary Johnson should be included in the debates as Johnson announces he will be on the ballot in every state:


6:25: Clinton back on campaign trail on Thursday.

AP now writes about Clinton’s history of concealing health issues.

5:48: Clinton surrogates receive “pneumonia talking points.

5:45: New York Times editor says he’d go to jail to release Trump’s tax returns. Newsweek reporter asks public for help about Trump’s medical information. Mainstream media, though, not curious about Clinton’s health and dealings. They just edit Bill Clinton’s remarks about Clinton’s “frequent” fainting spells.


5:30: Will Trump finally grow up as a candidate and not take the bait?

5:25: DNC Chair Donna Brazile blames the Russians and claims that the release of more hacked DNC documents is an effort to help Trump:

The DNC is the victim of a crime—an illegal cyberattack by Russian state-sponsored agents who seek to harm the Democratic Party and progressive groups in an effort to influence the presidential election. There’s one person who stands to benefit from these criminal acts, and that’s Donald Trump. Not only has Trump embraced Putin, he publicly encouraged further Russian espionage to help his campaign. Like so many of the words Trump has uttered this election season, his statements encouraging cybercrime are dangerous, divisive, and unprecedented.

4:20: In Florida, Trump gets 29% of the Hispanic vote and Clinton is seven points behind where Obama was with Hispanics in 2012. According to the report, “Clinton is also underperforming compared to Obama in three other heavily Hispanic swing states polled: Arizona, Colorado and Nevada.” Nearly half of Florida’s Hispanics think Clinton is a “liar.”

The poll by Miami-based Bendixen & Amandi International and The Tarrance Group shows Clinton drawing 53 percent among Florida Hispanics, compared to Trump’s 29 percent. That’s a significant 24-point lead. But Obama hit 60 percent among Latinos in 2012, according to exit polls. He defeated Mitt Romney in Florida by a single percentage point.

“She should not only be where Obama is — she should be beating those numbers, and she’s not,” pollster Fernand Amandi told the Miami Herald.


4:02: Former Mexican President Fox taking out some frustration on a Trump piñata:


3:55: Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) slams Trump in Spanish-language ad.

3:33: Trump gaining on Clinton in Clinton campaign’s internal polling. Mail-in voting and lack of enthusiasm among progressives could actually hurt Clinton in Colorado, according to a Washington Post report.

3:11: A Pew Research study finds “some of the sharpest movement toward the GOP has come among less educated and older whites. Whites with no college experience have become 14 points more likely to affiliate with the GOP since 2008, including a six-point shift over the last four years. White voters age 65 and older are now 13 points more likely to identify as Republican or lean Republican than they were eight years ago.”

[Older voters are a safer bet to turn out to vote than younger voters, especially with Obama not on the ballot.]

3:00: Pro-Clinton group uses Reagan against Trump in new ad:

2:25: Trump to visit Flint on Wednesday:

2:20: Trump, in Iowa, vows to put the American worker first. He says it is “so easy to stop the globalists” and promises to fight for every neglected part of the nation and bring America together as “one American people.”

2:19: Obama says America is not about “about yes he will, it’s about yes we can.” [Trump can easily prevent Democrats from making this point by using “we” more in his speeches.] He also said Trump is “unfit” to be president.

2:15: Obama, who was criticized for being too thin-skinned, especially regarding criticism from Fox News, says that a president needs to brush off criticism.

2:12: Trump points out that Clinton would massively increase the number of Syrian refugees, most of whom cannot be properly vetted, who would be allowed. He vows to rebuild our “very depleted military” and take care of our vets while saving the Second Amendment, which is “under siege.”

2:09: Obama is trying to defend Clinton’s “transparency” and foundation. That’s a sell that even Obama may not be able to make to voters.


2:06: Interesting admission from one of the mainstream media’s “go-to” state reporters. It wasn’t long ago when these folks said there was no way that Trump could win the election. Mainstream media reporters ignore the many positive aspects about Trump’s message about taking back our communities, providing more jobs to working-class Americans of all backgrounds, putting the interests of Americans of all backgrounds first, and keeping the country safe from terrorism.

2:05: Obama asks if you can imagine Ronald Reagan idolizing someone like Putin.

2:03: Obama claims Trump isn’t a “policy guy.” That’s the same criticism the Clinton campaign leveled against Obama during the 2008 election (see the back and forth between supporters re: their health care plans in Oregon).

2:01: Trump says Clinton lacks the “temperament, judgment and moral character to lead this country.” Trump points out that Secret Service agents have said Clinton lacks the integrity to serve in office.

1:59: Obama claims Trump has spent 70 years of his life not caring about working people

1:58: Trump says his supporters are hard-working America patriots who love your country and want a better future while Clinton “slanders you as deplorable.” He says Clinton’s comments displayed the same sense of “arrogance” and “entitlement” that led her to delete her emails and put classified information in the reach of our enemies, and lied to Congress.

[Pat Buchanan: Last Chance for the ‘Deplorables.’]

1:57: Trump says Clinton is running a “policy-free campaign” with “only hatred and division.” Trump says he is running to be president of all Americans and “will be your greatest champion” even if you don’t vote for him.

1:53: Trump takes the stage in Iowa and says virtually every poll has him ahead. Trump promises that the White House will become the “people’s house.” He vows to fix our crumbling infrastructure and renegotiate our horrible trade deals. Trump says prosperity will rise, poverty will recede, and wages will grow rapidly. Trump says this is a campaign about “big ideas designed to help everyday people.”

1:51: Obama slams the “dark” vision of the GOP. It’s funny that almost every mainstream media reporter and pundit instantaneously painted Trump’s convention speech as “dark” as if they had coordinated responses ready as soon as Trump was done speaking at the GOP convention. He says this election is about the “very meaning of America.” Obama says he is “really into electing Hillary Clinton.” “Hillary” chants not as enthusiastic as reception for Obama.

1:50: In Iowa, Rudy Giuliani is slamming Clinton’s email scandal while introducing Trump. “It is a source of tremendous disappointment that the Department of Justice…. has perverted itself so much… that it was unable to bring a case against her… when I know in my heart that case would have been brought against anyone else,” he says. “That’s what you call corruption in government.” He also slams the Clinton Foundation scandals.

1:45: Obama says this campaign season has been a crazier than usual. Crowd, as always, seems more enthusiastic about Obama than Clinton. Obama claims Republicans don’t like to hear “good news” and claims incomes are rising and poverty is falling across America. He also cites the low gas prices and says “thanks, Obama!”

1:40: Obama takes the stage in Philadelphia and mentions that Vice President Joe Biden told him to get on the “Wentz Wagon,” referring to Carson Wentz, the Eagles’ rookie quarterback who won his debut against Cleveland. He mentions he’s a Bears fan and there’s now “hope” in Philadelphia.

1:36: “She’s great!”

1:33: Dedicated Trump supporters:

1:25: And it will be extremely tough for Clinton to match the support Obama received among African-American voters:

1:22: Elitist Wall Street Journal editor also thinks Trump’s supporters are deplorable, again showing how out of touch he is:

1:20: Signs of an actual organization on the ground in a swing state?

1:17: Bill Clinton to appear on Comedy Central’s the Daily Show:

1:16: Mainstream media will try their best to help Clinton/Kaine explain her “deplorables” comment, but David Duke is one person and not “half” of Trump’s supporters.

1:15: Hillary Clinton is scheduled to be at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Gala on Thursday. But her campaign is sending out signals that nothing is set in stone due to her recovery.

1:10: The globalist Economist magazine: Iowans leaning towards Trump because of his nationalist message and working-class appeal.

1:02: Chelsea dodges questions about her mom’s private server