Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid blasted Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump from the floor of the Senate on Thursday calling him a “con artist,” a “spoiled brat,” and a “human leech.”

Reid joins former President Bill Clinton, President Obama, and other high-profile Democrats who have been attacking Trump while Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton recovers after passing out during the 9/11 ceremony in NYC on Sunday.

“Trump is a human leech who will bleed the country and sit at his golf resort laughing at the money he has made, even though working people have been hurt and ruined,” Reid said echoing President Obama’s comments in Philadelphia on Tuesday. “Trump doesn’t understand the middle class. How could he? How could he understand working people, because he’s only out for Donald Trump.”

The tirade was vintage Reid who has become known for his vitriolic and partisan speeches from the Senate floor. “He [Trump] is a spoiled brat, raised in plenty, who inherited a fortune and used his money to make more money,” ranted Reid. “And he did a lot of it by swindling working men and women.”

Reid is serving out his final months in the Senate after not seeking reelection in Nevada this year. Reid also told the Washington Post in an interview published Wednesday that Trump couldn’t get a gaming license — a claim that even the Washington Post had to correct saying, “Reid is not exactly correct here. Trump earned a license in 2004, but he hasn’t acted on it.”

“We face this from Donald Trump, a candidate and notorious con artist. Donald Trump is only trying to help one person — Donald Trump,” Reid claimed in the Senate speech. “I don’t care if he wants to be president or city commissioner, Donald Trump is in it to benefit Donald Trump.”

Reid posted a clip of the speech to his Twitter account.

Dustin Stockton is a political reporter for Breitbart News, a community liaison for Gun Owners of America, and a political strategist. Follow him on Twitter @DustinStockton or  Facebook.