Campaigning in Texas, Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine broke into some Spanish to urge Hispanics to vote for Hillary Clinton.

“A La Victoria! A La Victoria! A La Victoria!” he shouted after finishing a speech, speaking in Spanish to urge supporters to the polls.

Kaine campaigned Friday afternoon in Houston, Texas, ahead of the first national presidential debate.

As supporters in the crowd shouted “Si Se Puede!” he addressed them in Spanish and echoed their cries.

Kaine said the campaign would continue to take the state of Texas seriously, pointing out that he was a Democrat that also won close races in a red state.

He reminded the voters that even though both he and Clinton were running ahead of Trump he considered them to be the “underdog.”

“I’m the underdog until they call me the winner,” he said. “You Texas Democrats are underdogs … if you have that in your head that will be the discipline that you need to do the best work.”

He acknowledged that Democrats were traditionally the party of the American worker, environmentalists, and “good samaritan people.”

“There are some things that unify us … we’re kind of underdog people. We’re kind of born with it or something,” he said.