A 15-year-old girl asked Hillary Clinton a question Tuesday in Pennsylvania about “body image” and Donald Trump’s supposed offensive comments about women.

The girl, Brennan Leach, asked Clinton the leading question, according to The New York Times:

“At my school, body image is a really big issue for girls my age,” began Brennan Leach, 15, who had a red bow in her hair. “I see with my own eyes the damage Donald Trump does when he talks about women and how they look.”

How, she asked, could Mrs. Clinton help girls understand “that they are so much more than just what they look like?”

Briefly, Mrs. Clinton appeared ready to rocket out of her seat.

“Thank you!” the candidate shouted, as the crowd cheered Brennan. “Thank you!”

The question recalls the TV ad that Clinton is airing around the country, in which young females watch clips of Donald Trump from the Howard Stern Show and other programs.

But the Grey Lady seriously buried its lede. According to the bottom of the Times article:

After the event, Brennan said her father, a state senator, had helped her craft the question. (The Clinton campaign said questions were not vetted.)

Brennan’s father, state Sen. Daylin Leach, featured a photograph of daughter Brennan on his campaign page when he ran for Congress in 2014. The campaign touted him as a “Progressive Fighter.” According to the campaign page:

When he took on the National Rifle Association they gave Daylin their worst grade possible, an “F” rating, because he has led the fight for gun control in Harrisburg. And in Washington, Daylin will fight for common sense gun control measures like background checks, a ban on assault weapons, and limiting gun purchases to one handgun a month.

A 2013 Leach press release declared that he “championed an important cause on the Senate floor: protecting and preserving women’s access to reproductive care under the health insurance exchange.”