The Democrat ticket is highlighting that it wants to compel Americans to pay for what their fellow citizens want, regardless of their personal beliefs.

It’s a flashback to 2012. During his re-election bid, President Barack Obama’s campaign set up a public relations initiative titled “The Life of Julia,” in which a composite woman named Julia was shown to fare better throughout her life because of policies promoted by Obama over those of his then-opponent, Republican Mitt Romney.

As Breitbart News reported at the time, Julia’s story begins when she is three years old, and is enrolled in a government-run Head Start program. Of course, she attends public schools in which the Race to the Top-funded Common Core standards help her to be “college and career ready.” Upon graduating from high school, Julia obtains taxpayer-funded student loans for college. Amazingly, Julia actually gets a job in the Obama economy, though it’s not specified if it’s in the public or private sector.

Along the way, when Julia needs surgery, she needn’t worry about the cost of healthcare, said Obama’s campaign, because Obamacare provides coverage for people like her. Also, Obama’s signature health reform provides free contraception so Julia can decide to have a child – with no mention of a “father” – at age 31 – all paid for by American taxpayers.

Julia’s son eventually attends government public schools that Obama’s education policies have refurbished.

Eventually, Julia qualifies for an Obama Small Business Administration loan, so taxpayers can help her start her own business. Ultimately, she turns 65 and can finally be on government-run Medicare for the remainder of her life – the length of which could be determined by Medicare rationing. At age 67, she begins to collect government-run Social Security – all paid for by other American taxpayers.

There you have it – the life of the Democrats’ ideal American woman – almost entirely funded by other taxpayers – and no thought (or other people) required.

Hillary Clinton affirmed “The Life of Julia” on Tuesday when she reached out in Haverford, Pennsylvania – with daughter Chelsea in tow – to an audience of mostly women, young people, and children, promising to make Julia’s life their own.

“We have to look at the whole life cycle,” Clinton said at the town hall gathering, pitching taxpayer help for women struggling with low-paying jobs, raising their children, and with gun violence in their neighborhoods. Clinton said she will also be there for black mothers dealing with law enforcement targeting their children, and will provide paid family leave and paid sick days.

There was plenty of empathy to go around.

“It should not be so hard to be a young parent,” Clinton said. “And it should not be so hard on the other end of the age spectrum to take care of your loved one.”

“People say, ‘I can’t get the help I need for myself, my spouse, my child,’” she said. “There’s just not enough help,” she added, painting American women as “Julias” who can’t figure out how to live without the federal government’s – aka American taxpayers’ – assistance.

“Women tell me these stories about how hard it is,” she said. “They tell me not only do they have no paid family leave, they have no earned sick days.”

Ironically, while speaking in Haverford, Clinton included in the federal “help” she offered women, lots of “pregnancy” and “pre-natal” care, but never mentioned that she intends to also “help” them abort their babies by repealing the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding federal provision that bars taxpayer funding of most abortions. Clinton apparently is not up for “helping” young female babies in the womb if their mothers decide they are a “mistake.”

On Tuesday night, Clinton’s running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, continued to represent himself as a Catholic – much along the lines of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden – who couches his obvious break with his faith in euphemisms like “trusting women,” all made to order for Julias looking for validation for abortion.   [VIDEO]

“We support Roe vs. Wade,” Kaine said. “We support the constitutional right of American women to consult their own conscience, their own supportive partner, their own minister, but then make their own decision about pregnancy. That’s something we trust American women to do that…”

This is still “The Life of Julia,” of course, with only a “supportive partner,” and no real “father” on the scene.

“In response to a question about conflicts between faith and public life, Senator Kaine enthusiastically jettisoned the core teaching of his faith on the dignity of the human person, fully endorsing a policy of unrestricted abortion on demand,” reacted Maureen Ferguson, senior policy advisor with The Catholic Association.

It remains to be seen whether Julia’s life – complete with taxpayer-funded abortion, as the Clinton-Kaine ticket promises – will be supported by Americans on Election Day. A recent Marist poll found that a majority of Americans – 62 percent – oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, including 45 percent of those who say they are “pro-choice,” and 44 percent of Democrats.

Penny Nance, president & CEO of Concerned Women for America, says Kaine’s maneuver to abandon his faith principles on abortion, while still hawking his struggle with the death penalty, shows his political maneuvering.

“I find it odd that a man of faith who says he struggled with allowing the death penalty because of his faith, is also pro-abortion,” Nance says. “He seems to have no qualms about losing the lives of the most vulnerable and unprotected in our society, the unborn.”

“Women are strong and able, but the so-called ‘pro-choice’ community often takes advantage of women at a very vulnerable time in their life and only promotes one option – abortion,” she adds.

But, it’s clear how Clinton is using Kaine.

“The Catholic vote is going to be absolutely critical to our success,” Kaine said recently, urging other “Catholic” Julias to support the Clinton campaign.