A poll conducted by High Point University Survey Research Center found that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are virtually tied in the crucial battleground state in a three-way race.

The poll by High Point University found that 42 percent of likely voters in North Carolina supported Clinton, 40 percent support Trump, and eight percent support Gary Johnson.

Seventy-three percent said the country is on “the wrong track,” while only 22 percent said the U.S. is moving in the “right direction.”

Forty-nine percent approved of the job President Barack Obama is doing in the Oval Office, while 46 percent disapprove.

Forty-nine percent said they owned a gun. Only 18 percent said they never attend worship services, while 82 percent attend worship services combined, ranging from a few times a year to more than once a week. Fifty percent described themselves as born-again Christians.

Eighty-six percent believed men and women make equally good political leaders. Forty-seven percent of respondents were men, and 53 percent were women.

Pollsters surveyed 479 likely voters in North Carolina from Oct. 1 to Oct. 6 with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percent. Twenty-two percent were black and 72 percent white.