Dan Abrams’ website Law Newz reports on a new Wikileaks email showing Hillary Clinton’s top staffers weighing whether to accept campaign contributions from lobbyists for foreign governments — wherein Jennifer Palmieri (pictured) emphatically says “Take the money!!”

From Law Newz:

On Sunday, Wikileaks released yet another batch of emails hacked from the account of John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’spresidential campaign. One email chain of particular interest in the new batch shows Clinton’s advisors debating whether or not to impose a new rule: Whether or not the campaign should reject donations from  “those lobbying on behalf of foreign governments,” so as to avoid the appearance of improprieties. It gets juicier than that, though: When the decision was finally made, nobody bothered to tell Clinton.

In the initial email, dated April 13, 2015, Dennis Cheng, Clinton’s National Finance Director, wrote:

We really need make a policy decision on this soon – whether we are allowing those lobbying on behalf of foreign governments to raise $ for the campaign. Or case by case.

That led to this gem from director of communications Jennifer Palmieri:

Take the money!!

…which echoes the sentiment expressed earlier by senior spokesman Jesse Ferguson:

Is there anyway to ballpark what percent of our donor base this would apply to (aka how much money we’re throwing away)  Cost benefits are easier to analyze with the costs.

Read the rest of the story here.