LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign manager told Breitbart News that his boss and ousted Democracy Partners founder Robert Creamer never had any conversations about the contents of recently released videos from Project Veritas showing they intentionally disrupted Donald Trump rallies.

“I don’t believe so,” Mook replied when Breitbart News asked specifically if Clinton and Creamer have ever discussed the matters exposed in the new videos published by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas.

Here’s a transcript of the exact exchange Breitbart News had with Mook in the spin room:

BREITBART NEWS: “In the debate, the video about Democracy Partners came up. I wanted to see—did Secretary Clinton ever have any conversations with Robert Creamer about the contents of that video?”

ROBBY MOOK: “They’ve never worked for our campaign so you’re going to have ask them about that.”

BREITBART NEWS: “Has she ever had any conversations with Robert Creamer about the contents?”

ROBBY MOOK: “I don’t believe so. And they’ve never worked for our campaign.”

It’s thus far unclear if Clinton herself has been involved in the matters, but the videos released from O’Keefe’s team have upended the race for the White House. Creamer is a longtime leader of the Institutional Left. His Democracy Partners is the beating heart of the Democratic Party in that it connects the Clinton campaign, pro-Clinton Super PACs, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), various leftwing organizations, and major Democratic Party mega-donors. O’Keefe’s video ripped that beating heart out of the left in this election by forcing Creamer’s resignation, and upending the entire procedural manner in which the Clinton campaign, its allies in Super PACs, and the DNC coordinate with leftwing organizations.

Creamer is hardly the only person to resign so far due to the fallout. Scott Foval, an organizer with liberal group Americans United for Change, was forced out as well.

Sources tell Breitbart News there is more coming on the Project Veritas front.

Creamer was directly connected to top Democrats, including President Barack Obama himself. White House visitor logs published by the Obama administration show hundreds of Creamer visits to the White House in recent years, including dozens of meetings with Obama himself.

The O’Keefe videos came up during the debate on Wednesday evening, when Trump correctly noted–after Clinton claimed there was violence at his rallies–that it was her campaign and its allies causing it.

“If you look at what came out today on the clips where I was wondering what happened with my rally in Chicago and other rallies where we had such violence?” Trump said. “She’s the one and Obama that caused the violence. They hired people — they paid them $1,500, and they’re on tape saying be violent, cause fights, do bad things.”