Democratic presidential nominee signaled to reporters that she was preparing for the final stretch of the campaign, after the third and final presidential debate on Wednesday.

“I’m feeling both received and very grateful,” she said. “No more debates. No more naps.”

Clinton will appear at the Al Smith dinner on Thursday, before traveling to Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, over the weekend. On Monday she plans a trip to New Hampshire, followed by a trip to Florida.

When asked if she would accept the results of the election, Clinton pivoted to Trump’s response the question during the debate, calling it “horrifying.”

“What he said tonight is part of his whole effort to blame somebody else for his campaign and where he stands for this election,” she said.

Campaign reporters on her plane asked her to react to Trump calling her a “nasty woman” after repeatedly attacking him on his taxes.

“I didn’t pay any attention to that,” Clinton replied.

Clinton was asked about several other issues, including whether Democratic operatives were found guilty for inciting violence at Trump rallies.

“I know nothing about this. I can’t deal with every one of his conspiracy theories,” she said.