With just over a fortnight before the presidential election, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are tied nationally, according to the latest Investor’s Business Daily poll.

In a four-way race, both Trump and Clinton are tied at 41 per cent, with Libertarian Gary Johnson at eight per cent, whilst Green candidate Jill Stein lags behind with just three per cent.

The poll was carried out between 18th – 23rd October and carries a margin of error of 3.6 percentage points.

It has previously been described as the most accurate poll of all by election guru Nate Silver, who cites its accurate tracking of the 2012 election.

Trump’s polling appears to have recovered in recent weeks after a minor slump following the emergence of a tape in which he was heard making lewd sexual remarks with television host Billy Bush back in 2005.

However the RealClearPolitics polling average has Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 5.5 points, with an average of 47.8 per cent compared to Trump’s average of 42.3 per cent.

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