Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced that he would vote for Hillary Clinton for president, during a luncheon speech at the Long Island Association, according to reporters.

Powell’s relationship with the Clintons has been complicated, particularly after a leaked email was published of him mocking them.

“I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect,” Powell wrote to a friend who asked if he would support Hillary Clinton. “A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home.”

The Clintons also tried to shift blame on Powell for Hillary’s decision to use a private email address and a private server while in the State Department, something that increasingly frustrated him.

In private emails, Powell berated Clinton for trying to drag him into her scandal.

“Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris,” he scoffed, after accusing them of messing up the handling of the story.

“HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me to it,” he wrote to a friend. “I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s [sic] party to get their attention.”

When asked about Powell’s emails during an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon, Clinton was unwilling to comment.

“I have a great deal of respect for Colin Powell, and I have a lot of sympathy for anyone whose emails become public,” Clinton said. “I’m not going to start discussing someone else’s private emails. I’ve already spent a lot of time talking about my own, as you know.”