NEW YORK CITY, New York — A nearly unanimous overwhelming majority of Department of Justice (DOJ) employees who made political donations in 2016’s presidential campaign gave to  Democratic nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton over GOP nominee Donald J. Trump.

In fact, according to the new bombshell report from the Hill, walking through all the agencies of the federal government and how government workers in Washington, D.C., overwhelmingly gave to Clinton over Trump, a whopping 97 percent of DOJ employees who made political donations gave to Clinton. Only three percent gave to Trump.

“Employees of the Department of Justice, which investigated Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, gave Clinton 97 percent of their donations. Trump received $8,756 from DOJ employees compared with $286,797 for Clinton,” Jonathan Swan of the Hill wrote.

The Department of Justice—led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch—has come under fire, as has the FBI, in recent months as questions have arisen over whether the criminal investigation into Clinton’s illicit home brew email server was conducted properly. After Lynch’s secret meeting on the tarmac at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor International Airport with Hillary Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, and now the revelations that the FBI reportedly considered a “quid pro quo” with the Clintons over the emails, the decision not to indict Hillary Clinton for her reckless conduct has outraged the public. The revelation that a vast majority of DOJ officials donating cash to presidential candidates gave to Clinton over Trump is not likely to help their case.

This revelation was part of a bigger story from the Hill, in which Swan details how government workers have given about $2 million to presidential candidates this cycle—and nearly all of it, $1.9 million, has gone to Hillary Clinton.

“Of the roughly $2 million that federal workers from 14 agencies spent on presidential politics by the end of September, about $1.9 million, or 95 percent, went to the Democratic nominee’s campaign, according to an analysis by the Hill,” Swan wrote. “Employees at all the agencies analyzed, without exception, are sending their campaign contributions overwhelmingly to Clinton over her Republican counterpart. Several agencies, such as the State Department, which Clinton once led, saw more than 99 percent of contributions going to Clinton.”

Like the DOJ, other government agencies’ workers’ donations are similarly heavily tilted in Clinton’s direction. An astounding 99.4 percent of government workers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture who made donations gave to Clinton over Trump, and the percentages were similar across the rest of government: 98.2 percent at the Department of Commerce, 84 percent at the Department of Defense, 99.7 percent at the Department of Education, 95 percent at the Department of Energy, 96 percent at the Department of Health and Human Services, 90 percent at the Department of Homeland Security, 96 percent at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 94 percent at the IRS, 99.4 percent at the Department of Labor, 99 percent at the State Department, 95 percent at the Department of Treasury, and 88 percent at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Swan quoted Donald Trump’s campaign spokesman Jason Miller as saying the donation pattern is proof of a “rigged system,” which, Swan wrote, paraphrasing Miller, is “favoring establishment candidates like Clinton over outsiders like Trump.”