Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are dead even in Nevada, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll.

The survey shows Republican and Democratic presidential candidates at 45 points each. Nevada has six electoral votes, and also features a close U.S. Senate race this year.

“In Las Vegas terms, the contest for Nevada’s six electoral votes is a ‘push’ right now,” Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, told NBC.

The same NBC/WSJ/Marist poll also shows that Clinton leads 60 percent to 35 percent, among early Nevada voters, 13 percent of whom have already voted.

However, among the 87 percent who say they haven’t yet voted, Trump is reportedly ahead by four points with 46 percent to 42 percent.

Clinton was ahead by one point in this two-way matchup, with 45 percent to 44 percent just one month ago. And just one week ago, a KTNV-TV 13/Rasmussen poll showed Clinton was leading Trump in Nevada by four points.

A second NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll shows that in New Hampshire, Clinton has a nine-point lead over Trump with 45 percent of likely voters compared to 36 percent for Trump; Libertarian Gary Johnson is reportedly at 10 percent and the Green Party’s Jill Stein is at 4 percent.

“Odds are that Clinton can bank on New Hampshire’s four electoral votes,” Miringoff told NBC.

NBC suggests that even if Clinton loses Florida, Nevada, North Carolina and Ohio, she can “still win the presidency by holding on to New Hampshire and Pennsylvania,” which total 10 electoral votes.

The latest Fox News poll, released on Wednesday, also indicates Clinton’s lead over Trump has shrunk to a 3-point lead with less than two weeks away from the November 8 election.

That same poll found Independents favoring Trump over Clinton by 13 points (41-28 percent). It also found that Clinton has a commanding lead among unmarried women (+27) and first time voters (+16). Trump was found to lead among men (+5) and evangelical Christians (+56).

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