One of the most conservative congressmen in the House Republican Conference told Curt Schilling, the host of Whatever It Takes on, that his home state of Iowa looks good for Donald J. Trump.

“It looks pretty good for Trump,” said Rep. Steve King (R.-Iowa), who was a strong supporter of Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) in the GOP primaries.

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“Not that I am looking at internal polling–I don’t want to express that I am looking at that–but, from what I see that’s public and what I feel out there–and, I’ve been all over, listening to the public–there is really no question, Donald Trump has momentum,” King said. “Trump is hitting the right notes, Curt.”

The congressman said he knows that Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary R. Clinton has tried to keep it close in Iowa, but she has no momentum.

“She is just not a momentum-generator,” he said.

In the last week of the campaign, King said, the former first lady has been rocked by scandals for which she has no answer.

“As the holes get poked in her boat and she takes on water, she is rowing furiously to get to the finish line before she sinks to the bottom,” he said.

Schilling said to King that the reboot of the FBI’s investigation into the former secretary of state’s handling of the sensitive electronic communications should be enough to finish her off.

“I look at this latest FBI–it is her iceberg,” Schilling said. “That she wasn’t sunk before that to me is embarrassing–but, I think and I pray that this is the one that makes the Titanic go down, in a political sense.”

King said it has been an up and down campaign.

The low point for Trump came when he was hit with the 2005 tape from an off-camera microphone before he filmed a segment of Access Hollywood, King said. The tape had Trump speaking about women in a direct and disrespectful manner. “I don’t think there is any question about that.”

Before the tape was made public the Friday before Columbus Day, Trump had a solid path to the White House, the congressman said.

But the tape was such a devastating blow to the campaign that the New York City developer had to find a new path, he added.

Trump is now even in national polling, but the national polls are distorted because of the super-high margins for Clinton in states that are not contested.

“Trump won’t win New York, he won’t win New Jersey, he won’t win California, Oregon, or the state of Washington, and those margins that show up in those polls, they are actually a surplus that goes to Hillary’s side of this. Once you correct for that you look at the states that are contested–then, there is a path of victory for him and it is getting more and more optimistic every day,” according to King.

“Of course, it can be done, but the dynamics have to be right–and boy, the dynamics have been coming in his direction the last few days,” he said.

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