Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPAF) president Cecile Richards is acknowledging to abortion activists that tumult surrounding the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails is making it difficult for her organization to control its narrative through its usual media allies.

During a tele-townhall event this week, an attendee asked how Planned Parenthood supporters can “take the microphone away from Trump.” Richards admitted, “The media is difficult for us to control right now.”

Richards invited Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and failed Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis to join her for the event – an apparent last-ditch effort to get out the vote for Clinton.

In her invitation to PPAF members, Richards referred to Warren and Davis as “two of the most inspiring leaders I know.”

Warren told townhall attendees the “future of women’s rights is at stake” in the election next week. She called on women “to stand up and fight before it’s too late” to protect “women’s right to abortion” and “paid family and medical leave.”

Warren said Republican candidate Donald Trump’s agenda “isn’t just out of touch, it’s dangerous,” and cited that Trump would repeal the Affordable Care Act, force women to pay more for health care than men, and defund Planned Parenthood.

Stating that she “grew up in a world of back alley abortions,” Warren warned Trump would even be worse than that.

“Donald Trump doesn’t make me sick anymore, he makes me furious,” Warren added. “Women have really had it with creepy guys like Donald Trump. Nasty women have had it with Donald Trump.” The senator referred to the last presidential debate during which Trump referred to Clinton as a “nasty woman,” a phrase abortion activists have been now wearing as a badge of honor.

Warren called on Planned Parenthood supporters to vote early and reach out for more volunteers to drive seniors to the polls. She said if everyone votes Democrat up and down the ballot, the Democrats could take control of the Senate again to protect the U.S. Supreme Court and pass their agenda.

Highlighting what is at stake in the election, Richards said, “One of the biggest fights we have had was for birth control pills,” and added that GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence and Republicans in Congress “want to take that away.”

Davis reminded townhall attendees of her filibuster three years ago when she was a Texas state senator and the legislature was about to pass a bill that was ultimately signed into law, banning abortions in the state after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

“The day of that filibuster three years ago many of you were there and stepped up…and added your wild, crazy screaming voice,” Davis said. “We need those voices against Trump.”

One woman who called into the event asked advice on how to speak about the “historic significance of this election” to her daughter’s fourth grade class.

In response, Richards quoted first lady Michelle Obama’s statement that a country can be measured by how it treats women and girls. Davis replied the young girls should hear about “the wonderful role model that Hillary is.”

Planned Parenthood employees on the tele-townhall touted their work, with one woman claiming the abortion business is a “trusted name in all circles,” and a provider in Florida warning, “Millennials take abortion for granted. We need grandmothers to speak out.”

Richards added that abortion activists have to remind people that Trump is “unfit to be president” and get out the vote.