Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump used a packed rally in Miami, Florida, to publicize and criticize the close ties between Democratic political operatives and officials in the Department of Justice.

The hidden ties are being revealed by the Wikileaks website, which is posting emails sent between Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, and Peter Kadzik, who is an Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice.

Trump said:

One of the top Department of Justice officials involved in the email investigation, Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik, is a close associate of John Podesta. The two met for dinner after Clinton testified about Benghazi, and Podesta, who by the way said Hillary Clinton has terrible instincts on Wikileaks, describes him [Kadzik] as the man who kept him [Podesta] out of jail.

Kadzik is also the one who helped lead the effort to confirm Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Now today, in a newly released email, through Wikileaks again, we learn that Kadzik was feeding information about the investigation into the Clinton campaign, and that Kadzik said, “it will be a while before the State Department posts the emails.” Remember they were waiting for the emails. Podesta forwarded the emails to Clinton’s top staff and said “additional chances for mischief.”

These are the people that want to run our country, folks.

The spread of political agendas into the Justice Department … is one of the saddest things that has happened to our country, but with your votes, you can beat the system — the rigged system.

There are signs of rancor between the Department of Justice and the FBI after the bombshell announcement by FBI director James Comey that the bureau was reopening its investigations into the Clinton email scandal.

Comey reopened the investigation after authorities found some suspicious emails on a computer used by top Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. The emails were discovered during an investigation into Weiner’s alleged practice of sending explicit photos and videos to a 15-year-old girl.

Former FBI officials and others have castigated Lynch and Comey for what they say has been a botched investigation amid political interference.