The cost of Obamacare is going up, the availability of policy options is going down, premiums have skyrocketed up to 145 percent, health insurance companies are losing millions, deductibles are going up, and more than a million people are losing their coverage. 

But none of those factors stop President Barack Obama from arguing that Obamacare is working just fine and that gloomy Republican predictions about the bill are false.

During his campaign speech for Hillary Clinton in Florida, Obama appeared to go off script to defend his signature legislative achievement.

“The parade of horribles the Republicans have talked about haven’t happened,” he asserted, telling voters that Republicans warned that the law would include death panels and threatened to bankrupt America.

“None of what they’ve said has happened,” he repeated. He said that 20 million people who didn’t have health insurance before were now covered, thanks to Obamacare but did not mention restrictive plans, and above average deductibles.

Obama admitted, however, that health care premiums were up for some people, especially if they didn’t have government subsidies to help them pay for it.

“That’s important,” he said. “We’re going to work as hard as we can to do something about it.”

He then blamed Republicans for voting to repeal the program rather than working with Democrats to fix it.

“We would have already done it if Republicans had helped,” he said. “But keep in mind, their alternative would have been no health insurance.”