President Barack Obama lost his cool in North Carolina after his supporters started shouting at an elderly Trump supporter who held up a sign signaling his support for the Republican candidate.

“Hey! Hey! Listen up! I told you to be focused and you’re not focused now. Listen to what I’m saying,” he said.

He shouted “Hold up!” 18 different times as his supporters ignored his commands.

“Everybody sit down and be quiet for a second,” Obama said repeatedly before his supporters finally stopped.

“He not doing nothin’,” Obama said. “You don’t need to worry about him.”

After his supporters finally obeyed commands from the president, Obama reminded them that America still believed in free speech and that the protester appeared to have served in the military.

“He was elderly and we gotta respect our elders,” he added.

He told the audience that they were getting stirred up without a good reason, and encouraged them to focus.

“If we lose focus, we could have problems,” he said.

According to the press pool, the Trump supporter appeared to be a veteran who stood in the aisle of the arena and held up his sign.

The incident happened during a rally for Hillary Clinton at Fayetteville State University in North Carolina.