NEW YORK, New York — Vice President-Elect Mike Pence is thanking God for making Tuesday night’s victory for him and Donald Trump a reality.

“This is a historic night. This is a historic time,” Pence said from the Trump-Pence Victory Party at the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan. “The American people have spoken and the American people have elected their new champion,” he told the crowd at approximately 2:43 a.m. on Wednesday morning.

The media had just called the election in Donald Trump’s favor, delivering Hillary Clinton a major defeat with trump winning at least 274 Electoral College votes.

“America has elected a new president and it’s almost hard for me to express the honor that I and my family feel, that we will have the privilege to serve as your vice president of the United States of America.”

The crowd started chanting, “USA! USA! USA! USA!”

“I’ve come to this moment deeply humbled, grateful to God for His amazing grace,” Pence said. “Grateful to my family. I could not be here without them. ” He continued, “I’m deeply really grateful to the American people for placing their confidence in this team and giving us this opportunity to serve.”

He added, “and I’m mostly grateful to our president-elect, whose leadership and vision will make American great again. So let me say, it is my honor, and distinct privilege to introduce to you the President-Elect of the United States of America, Donald Trump.”

Throughout New York City, Trump’s victory was celebrated. Trump’s face lit up the side of the Empire State Building. News headlines reflected the victory and defying of odds Trump had achieved to defeat the corrupt establishment that Hillary Clinton represented.

Although the mainstream media did not call it until after 2:30 a.m., print media called Trump’s win long before 1 .a.m.:

America’s 45th President, Donald Trump, will be inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

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