A website and Twitter account have been set up for the transition team of United States President-elect Donald J. Trump.

GreatAgain.gov hosts news about the Trump Presidential Transition team. Announcements include information on offices and agencies supporting the transition, the approximately 4,000 Presidential appointees that will be needed, and some basic information on the transition process.

A release laying out information on the transition reads, in part:

Ensuring the smooth transition of presidential power has been a democratic hallmark of the United States for more than 200 years.

In 2015, Congress reinforced the importance of transition planning with the passage of the Presidential Transitions Improvements Act of 2015, which was signed into law in May of 2016. This new law built on the reforms of the Pre-Election Presidential Transition Act of 2010, which provided major party candidates with office space and services immediately following party nomination to ensure continuity of government and to protect the institutions of the United States.

The site also briefly introduces President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

The site includes explainers on what “Make America Great Again” entails with drop-downs that delve into greater detail. Sub-categories include Making America Secure Again, Getting America Back to Work Again, and Government for the People Again.

Those hoping to secure a position in the Trump-Pence Administration can find information about just what it takes to come on board under the “Serve America” portion of the site. The section includes a link on how to apply online and what will be expected of those that do secure such a position.

The Transition Team has also set up an verified Twitter account: @transition2017.

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