Politico takes a look at some of the federal rules and regulations candidate Donald Trump promised to reverse or revise as president:

Donald Trump has pledged to “reform the entire regulatory code,” to “cancel immediately all illegal and overreaching executive orders,” and to place a “temporary moratorium on new agency regulations that are not compelled by Congress or public safety.”

On the chopping block will be regulations to address climate change (which he’s labeled a Chinese hoax); to implement Obamacare (“a disaster”); and to rein in Wall Street (“We’re too involved in regulation of the banks”). Gone, too will be President Barack Obama’s executive actions protecting the children of undocumented immigrants and tightening restrictions on gun sales.

The GOP’s continuing majorities in the House and Senate will clear the decks for any legislation the president-elect proposes, but Trump is impatient to assert his presidential authority (“I alone can fix it”) and to dismantle much of Obama’s agenda with the stroke of a pen.

Read the entire piece.