The current First Couple cancelled a planned photo opportunity with the incoming First Couple, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

The Obamas canceled a photo-op of the current and future first couples outside the south entrance of the White House. In his first visit to the White House after the 2008 election, Mr. Obama and first lady Michelle Obama posed for the cameras alongside President George W. Bush and first lady Laura Bush. The decision not to participate in this tradition illustrates how bitter the campaign was, particularly for Mrs. Obama who delivered some of the most emotional arguments against electing Mr. Trump.

On Thursday President-elect Donald Trump traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Barack Obama in private. Obama had invited Trump to the White House for the meeting, as is customary.

When then-President George W. Bush met with then-incoming President Obama after the 2008 presidential election, the two couples posed for the customary, historic photo together.

CNN posted the photo and reported that the 2008 meeting was described as “relaxed” and “friendly.” CNN wrote of an appearance with both Obama and Bush, “The president and president-elect walked together along the Colonnade by the Rose Garden before entering the Oval Office together. They briefly waved to reporters along the way.”

Photos were released of Trump shaking hands with Obama in the Oval Office after the meeting.

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