Donald Trump’s remarkable victory on Election Day is still sinking in.  Judicial Watch supporters can take satisfaction that the American people resoundingly rejected Hillary Clinton corruption.

Our work exposing her email had consequences.  We did not do this work to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning the Oval Office; we did it to hold her, her aides, and her co-conspirators in the Obama administration accountable to the law.

The corrupted leadership of the FBI and Justice Department didn’t want to do much with what we exposed.  And certainly Congress, led by a weak Republican leadership, did virtually nothing on the Clinton email issue.  But, the American people didn’t ignore our work, and denied Hillary Clinton the presidency as a result.   One expert called Judicial Watch one of the great “disruptors” of our new media age:

Judicial Watch is a conservative gadfly, yes, but it is acting more like a newsroom staffed by lawyers – a scary thought, to the government at the very least.  With an ample, donor-funded war chest, the nonprofit is taking journalists to school in deploying one of their most valued weapons, the Freedom of Information Act, doing so more effectively than any news organization in recent memory.  Mainstream news organizations are happy to take its costly court-won revelations and run with them.  So it’s not surprising that its President, Tom Fitton, nominated Judicial Watch for three Pulitzer Prizes last year (It was disqualified because it was ruled to be an advocacy group, Fitton told the Pulitzer-laden New York Times).

(By the way, the Pulitizer people dishonestly rejected our application not because we were unworthy of a prize, but because Judicial Watch is conservative.)

There is no doubt that Judicial Watch changed history with its Clinton email investigations.  The election results show that corruption matters to the American people.  At a minimum, President-elect Trump should commit to a transparency revolution.  The Trump administration and new Congress must focus on restoring the rule of law and accountability after the eight years of a lawless Obama administration.  Corruption in government is an overwhelming problem.  We expect, but won’t rely upon, DC politicians to do the right thing.  Judicial Watch will continue its independent investigations and lawsuits in order to hold politicians of both political parties accountable to the rule of law.