Why did Americans elect Donald Trump for president? President Barack Obama partially attributes it to Donald Trump’s successful personality.

“I think it’s fair to say that I was surprised by the election results,” Obama said, when asked by NBC’s Chris Jansing during a press conference in Greece about whether he felt responsible for his party’s loss of the presidency.

“Presidential elections always turn on personalities. They turn on how campaigns are run,” Obama said, hinting that Clinton lacked both.

Obama admitted that some in America might want change after eight years of his presidency, but noted that he still has high approval ratings.

“Last I checked, a pretty healthy majority of the American people agree with my world view on a whole bunch of things,” Obama said.

Obama said that Americans probably just wanted to “shake things up” after eight years of his presidency and try something new.

“I do think, as I’ve said before, that history doesn’t move in a straight line, it zigs and zags, and sometimes goes forward, sometimes moves back and sideways,” he said.