Since Donald Trump named Stephen K. Bannon as his White House Senior Counselor and Reince Priebus as his Chief of Staff, many media reports have emerged, speculating on several other names inside Trump’s inner circle rumored to fill positions in the Trump administration.

Breitbart News confirmed with former communications director for Gov. Mike Huckabee’s 2016 GOP primary campaign Hogan Gidley that Huckabee is being considered for a possible post.

According to Gidley, some of the positions floated for Huckabee have been secretary of commerce, secretary of state, secretary of health and human services (HHS) and secretary of transportation.

Rudy Giuliani is a favorite for secretary of state, according to the Associated Press.

Recently, USA Today noted Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) might be secretary of homeland security, but Sessions’ name was also floated for secretary of defense, per Politico.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton are both reportedly being considered for secretary of state.

Conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham is rumored as a possible White House press secretary, according to CNN.

Ingraham commented on the speculation about a potential White House job during an appearance on Fox News with Tucker Carlson. “I am honored to be considered for the job and other jobs, so we’ll see what happens,” she responded.

It is expected that Trump’s transition team will announce more positions soon, as his spokesman Jason Miller noted, “Obviously, inauguration day is not getting further away. And people need to get going. This is an absolute top priority understood by the President-elect and the Vice President-elect.”