Republican National Committee Chief Strategist and Communications Director Sean Spicer calls President-elect Donald Trump’s lobbyist ban “true, forward thinking change.”

During a conference call with reporters on Thursday morning, Spicer detailed the lobbying ban that Trump has championed for people working as part of his transition team.

According to Spicer, the lobbyist agreement reads:

By signing below, I certify that I am not currently registered and reporting as a federal lobbyist as defined by the Lobbying Disclosure Act as amended or a compensated lobbyist at the state level in any state. If I was listed as lobbyist on the most recent lobbyist disclosure form or report required to be filed by federal or state law, I hear by notify the President-elect transition team that I have filed the necessary form or forms with the appropriate government agencies to terminate my status as a registered lobbyist. I will provide the Presidential-elect transition team with written evidence of my federal, state lobbyist termination as soon as possible.

He explained that the lobbyist ban does not look back, but rather looks forward to ensure there is not an ability for someone to enrich oneself.

Spicer added that there is a five-year ban on becoming a lobbyist after one leaves government service and there is a lifetime ban on representing any foreign government.