Most Americans say President-elect Donald Trump will do a good job as president, according to a post-election CNN/ORC poll, which also finds Trump’s favorability rose to a new high, 47 percent.

Fifty-three percent of the people surveyed think Trump will do a “very or fairly good job as president,” while 40 percent say they have “a lot of confidence” in the real estate mogul to handle the economy. Trump’s numbers outpace the percent of people who had confidence in Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush before their inaugurations, according to CNN.

The survey results reveal people think Trump will fulfill promises he made on the campaign trail.

Close to three-quarters believe Obamacare will be repealed and replaced. Two-thirds of those surveyed said he will renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Sixty-three percent believe the economy will be in good shape in the future, and nearly 60 percent believe Trump will create good jobs.

CNN notes, “Americans are more divided over whether Trump will “drain the swamp” and reduce the amount of corruption in Washington (51% think that’s likely), defeat ISIS (50% see that as likely) or build a wall along the border with Mexico (48% see that as likely).”

The poll questioned 1,003 adults from Nov. 17 to Nov. 20 and has a plus or minus three point margin of error.