President Barack Obama scolded the media for their coverage during the presidential campaign, pointing out that they had an “obsession” with the Democratic emails released by Wikileaks.

“I’m finding it a little curious that everybody’s suddenly acting surprised that this looked like it was disadvantaging Hillary Clinton, because you guys wrote about it every day, every single week, about every little juicy tidbit of political gossip,” he said, adding that even John Podesta’s risotto recipe was news.

Obama lectured the media for losing sight of the issues that faced the country, instead allowing their news coverage to be “dominated” by Wikileaks releases.

He tried to dismiss the emails as “routine stuff” that obviously embarrassed some Democratic officials, but “took off.”

“That concerns me and that should concern all of us,” he said.

Obama was defensive of his own response to the hacks, including his reluctance to call out Russia and blame them for being responsible. He also argued that he was “obsessed” about cyber security during his administration.