Democrats are more likely than Republicans and Independents to block or unfriend someone on social media over politics, according to a nonpartisan survey published Monday from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI).

Twenty-four percent of Democrats unfriended or blocked someone on social media because of political posts, according to the survey results. However, only nine percent of Republicans and nine percent of Independents said they did the same.

“Political liberals are also far more likely than conservatives to say they removed someone from their social media circle due to what they shared online (28% vs. 8%, respectively),” PRRI explains of its survey. “Eleven percent of moderates say they blocked, unfollowed, or unfriended someone due to what they posted online.”

The study also found that Democratic women are more likely than Republican women and men from both parties to remove someone from their social media circle over political disagreements.

Thirty percent of female Democrats admitted to removing someone from their social media network, while only eight percent of Republican women admitted to doing the same. Fourteen percent of Democratic men said they did this, while ten percent of Republican men said they unfollowed, unfriended, or blocked someone based on political posts.

The nonpartisan poll questioned 1,004 adults from Dec. 7 to Dec. 11.