President-elect Donald Trump told reporters at Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday evening that he’s “very, very strong on Israel.”

“I’m very, very strong on Israel,” Trump stated days after the United Nations Security Council vote, which condemned Israeli settlements, according to Politico.

Trump continued:

I think that Israel has been treated very very unfairly by a lot of different people. If you look at resolutions in the United Nations … they are up for 20 reprimands and other nations that are horrible places, horrible places that treat people horribly haven’t even been reprimanded. So there is something going on and I think it is very unfair to Israel.

According to the New York Times, Israel is defiant, vowing to continue the settlements.

Trump also commented on the United Nation’s (UN) future to Agence France-Presse reporter Andrew Beatty, saying it has “tremendous potential.”

“The UN has such tremendous potential, it’s not living up to its potential … When do you see the United Nations solving problems? They don’t,” Trump stated. “They cause problems. So if it lives up to its potential, it’s a great thing. If it doesn’t, it’s a waste of time.”