Vice President Joe Biden isn’t changing his style as his term ends.

He dominated the Capitol’s Old Senate Chamber Tuesday, swearing in senators for their new terms, all while kissing, hugging and squeezing women and girls accompanying the senators in the style of “Family Feud” game show host Richard Dawson.

Washington comic Tim Young put together a short video comparing Biden to the “Kissing Bandit” Dawson, who for 11 years insisting on kissing every and all female contestants, until his final season, when his daughter begged him to stop.

But there was no stopping Biden on Tuesday:

Biden returns to the Capitol Friday to preside over a joint session of Congress gathering in the House chamber for the vote on whether or not to accept the presidential election results from the Electoral College.

Young appears in local DC clubs and hosts events in the national capital, but the easiest way to see him is to watch “Here’s The Thing,” his Facebook show broadcast Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. ET.