James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a new undercover video on Tuesday showing left-wing activists with the “DisruptJ20” effort plotting to stop Donald Trump’s inauguration by chaining D.C. Metro trains and blocking roads.

The video adds a layer of deep detail to a story by Ryan Lovelace in the Washington Examiner earlier this month, “How protesters plan to wreck Donald Trump’s inauguration,” which first reported the efforts of “#DisruptJ20.”

One activist leader is captured on the Project Veritas video saying: “So simultaneous to the checkpoint blockades in the morning, we are also doing a series of clusterfuck blockades, where we are going to try to blockade all the major ingress points into the city.”

The blockade plan allegedly included stopping the D.C. Metro, according to an audio recording:

So we figured out this, um, the trains pull up, one person is going to lock one end of a chain to an edge, and on the other end of the chain the end of the car, so on and so forth, done. It takes 15 seconds and everyone can leave and literally it can’t go anywhere at that point, its anchored. And you can use a really thin chain — you don’t need a heavy chain — that would require like a bolt cutter to undo, basically to shut down that line … Metro Center, Gallery Place, and L’Enfant Plaza, they are all close enough to walk to and that’s every single line in the city.

Another plan allegedly involved using setting up tables, ostensibly for distributing charitable donations for the poor and homeless, to block roads to the inauguration: “So, we want to encourage you all to give to the poor and the homeless. Go right down to 2nd and D, help us to block the vehicle traffic and the pedestrian traffic flowing to the inauguration. And set up tables, food, give out whatever,  right there, there 2nd and D a block from either direction and help to block traffic.”

One of the more creative plans apparently discussed was to move protesters into position near a park by posing as members of a yoga class. Other apparent discussions involved violent tactics to use in street battles with police.

One activist expresses the desire to see the inauguration moved inside because of the protests.

The Project Veritas video is Part Two of a series on left-wing protests of the inauguration. Part One, released on Monday, showed activists planning to set off stink bombs at an inauguration-related party.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. His new book, How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.