President Donald Trump hosted a ceremonial swearing in of his now-confirmed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, calling for a new “clear-eyed focus” on America’s foreign policy and standing in the world.

“It’s time to bring a clear-eyed focus to foreign policy, to take a fresh look at the world around us, and to seek new solutions grounded through very ancient truths,” Trump said.

Trump explained that the United States would continue to protect their interests and allow the people of the world to seek their own destiny.

“All of us are better off when we act in concert and not in conflict,” he added.

Tillerson was sworn in by Vice President Pence, as his wife held the Bible.

The president praised Tillerson for already being respected around the world, thanks to his position as CEO of Exxon Mobil.

“You understand the job of our diplomats, and the mission of the State Department, is to serve the interests of the United States of America to make our nation safer, our country more prosperous, and all our people much more secure,” Trump said. “And in that mission, you also understand the importance of strengthening our alliances and forming new alliances to enhance our strategic interests and the safety of our people. Your whole life has prepared you for this moment.”