President Donald Trump went head-to-head with the media in a lengthy press conference, accusing them of covering the first weeks of his administration unfairly.

“The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about [it], we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people,” Trump said during his press conference in the East Room. “We have to talk to find out what’s going on, because the press honestly is out of control.”

Trump said he wanted to take his message “straight to the people,” as the cable news programs ran his entire hour and seventeen minute press conference live.

The president went back and forth with network and cable news reporters representing news companies that have spent the majority of their energies disparaging the president and his performance during the first weeks of his presidency.

Trump specifically cited CNN for their negative coverage of his administration.

“I watch CNN, it’s so much anger and hatred, and — just the hatred,” he said, calling the negative coverage “fake news.”

“I turn on the T.V., open the newspapers, and I see stories of chaos. Chaos,” he said. “Yet it is the exact opposite. This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can’t get my cabinet approved.”

Trump lashed out at Democrats, asserting that he had inherited a mess from former President Obama, and criticized them for trying to stall his presidency.

“The only thing they can do is delay, because they screwed things up royally,” he said.