On Thursday healthcare experts discussed the prescription for Obamacare at CPAC.

Phillip Klein, the managing editor of the Washington Examiner, moderated the discussion, featuring Dale Bellis of Liberty Healthshare, Rep. Mike Burgess (R-TX), Scott Flanders of eHealth, and Grace Marie Turner of the Galen Institute.

Klein asked Congressman Burgess about repealing and replacing Obamacare. Burgess said, “A year ago Congress passed reconciliation, and it demonstrated that if we put the right bill in the House and if we can get the right president in we could repeal large pieces of the Affordable Care Act. I want you to tell me what you want for Obamacare repeal, and I will fight for you. Health Secretary Tom Price will get rid of many parts of Obamacare through his administration.”

Klein asked Burgess about when the Obamacare repeal package gets introduced. Burgess said, “Soon.”

Congressman Burgess added that, “The president is coming to a joint session of Congress soon. Hopefully, he will give Congress direction on where he stands.”

The Texas congressman said that reconciliation is, “The opening salvo for taking Obamacare out. Just eliminating the individual mandate would do a world of good. That is the most essential thing we can do.”

Phillip Klein turned to Grace Marie Turner to ask about the future of health care reform. She said, “This is a once in a generation chance to reform health care. Senator Schumer wants to see Obamacare repeal fail. If it fails, then the people will blame Republicans.”

Klein asked the panel, “Will Congress eliminate Obamacare by the next CPAC?”

All said yes, but Burgess added, “If reconciliation works and we pass Obamacare repeal, yes.”