WASHINGTON, D.C. Comedian-turned-political activist Rosie O’Donnell said she would like to share a souvlaki with leftist billionaire George Soros Tuesday night during a protest of President Donald Trump’s first joint address to Congress.

Souvlaki is a traditionally Greek dish. Soros hails from Hungary. 

O’Donnell suggested the date while addressing approximately 300 progressives who braved the rain in Lafayette Park, across from the White House. She said a man asked her if Soros paid her to attend the anti-Trump rally on her way to the event.

You know what the truth is? A very handsome conservative man stopped me on my way up with his iPhone, to ask me with his very charming, Irish, 30-year-old face if George Soros has paid me to come here. And I said, “Sir, I have never met George Soros, but he seems like a lovely man. One day I’d like to share a souvlaki with him.”

Jack Posobiec, a Trump supporter, asked O’Donnell the question:

Soros has openly funded several groups associated with anti-Trump protests and movements.

O’Donnell said she’s only met Trump twice. Once at his wedding to Marla Maples where she said Trump “shook the hands of the guests at the wedding as he walked down the aisle to take his vows. Warning! Warning! Warning Will Robinson!” She met him on a game show the second time.

O’Donnell recited the Declaration of Independence: “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government.” She added, “That is why we are here…. “This is not Russia. To Donald Trump and his pathetic band of white, privileged criminal businessmen, I would like to say to him, ‘Nyet! Sir, nyet! nyet! nyet! nyet!'”

“Nyet” means “no” in Russian.

“No we won’t,” O’Donnell said. “We have seen what you have done, sir. We have seen your connection with Russia. The game is over. The Internet rules.” She chanted, “He lies! He lies! He lies! He lies!” setting several other women in the crowd off to repeat her words.

“And it’s about time they all started saying that, instead of it appears as if he hasn’t been speaking the truth. Cut it down to the least-common-denominator like he does.”

O’Donnell said she and the anti-Trump movement would get “down and dirty like Donald Trump.”

Speakers from the event included the ACLU, DailyKos, Food & Water Watch, MoveOn.org, Our Revolution, and National Nurses United, among others.

“We will get him out!” O’Donnell shouted to the rain-drenched crowd. “Thank you, peace and don’t fear the rain.”

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