Disgraced ex-CNN commentator Donna Brazile took to Twitter earlier this week and asked her 600,000-plus followers if Snowstorm Stella’s disastrous effect on Americans could potentially damage Donald Trump’s presidency.

She used the analogy of Hurricane Katrina and the hurt it caused President George W. Bush, and how Hurricane Sandy marred former President Barack Obama.

“#43 twisted with Katrina, #44 soaked in Sandy. Will #DonaldDumpStella? Can 40 million ppl find #Stella sobering under #45 leadership?” Brazile tweeted.

The Democratic strategist further politicized potential tragedy by posting another tweet with the hashtag “.”

By Monday afternoon, Brazile was still pushing politics and posting photos of the storm’s advancement.

Hurricane Katrina took 1,836 lives in 2005. Hurricane Sandy killed another 106 people in 2012.

Brazile’s tweets sparked outrage on social media, with many Twitter users asking why the former Chair of the Democratic National Committee thought it wise to politicize a potentially deadly snow storm.

Brazile resigned from CNN last year after she was caught secretly sharing information about official CNN events with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign,

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