A man whose fiancée was killed in a car crash by an allegedly intoxicated illegal alien has revealed that President Donald Trump personally called him to offer his condolences.

Following his appearance on Fox & Friends on Wednesday morning, Rodrigo Macias revealed that the president had called him to urge him to “stay strong” in the wake of the tragedy, and promised him he was doing his utmost to secure the southern border and fight sanctuary cities.

“It tells you a lot about this president. You can’t have the local mayor do that, but the president of the U.S. went out of his way to do that. I’m very glad my fiancée and I voted for him. In fact, I’m extremely happy,” Macias, who works as real estate broker, told the Los Angeles Daily News.

Macias’s fiancee, Sandra Duran, was killed by Estuardo Alvarado, 45, on Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles in a high-speed crash as he attempted to flee another crime scene. The pair had been together for 13 years and had a 12-year-old son together.

Police confirmed Alvarado had been known to them for years and had been deported from the U.S. on five separate occasions.

“Department of Homeland Security databases indicate Mr. Alvarado has been removed to Mexico five times since 1998, most recently in 2011,” Immigration and Customers Enforcement spokesperson Virginia Kice said.

Talking to the media, Macias criticized L.A.’s recently reelected mayor, Democrat Eric Garcetti, for his lack of response to the incident.

“I said [on the show] that the possibility of the president of the U.S. calling me first are probably better than the mayor or chief [of police] reaching out to me at this point, and that’s exactly what happened,” Macias continued.

Garcetti finally responded to the incident on Wednesday morning, offering the family his condolences, but failed to comment on the criminal nature of the incident. “Nothing compares to the pain of losing a loved one. My thoughts and prayers are with Sandra Duran’s family at this agonizing time,” Garcetti said.

Since taking office, Garcetti has vowed to resist Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement efforts, and has set up a “justice fund” to help illegal aliens fight deportation orders.

Alvarado, who is currently being held at the Los Angeles Men’s Central Jail, has had his bail set at $2.18 million. On April 18, he will appear in court on charges of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated.

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