President Donald Trump welcomed a group of American manufacturing companies to the White House on Friday, announcing the results a new survey from the National Association of Manufacturers.

The survey showed that 93 percent of manufacturers had a positive outlook of the future of their industry up from 56 percent in the previous year. The survey includes 13,000 manufacturing members of the association,

The news marked a 20-year record high for the survey, prompting Trump to claim a “new surge of optimism” for more jobs in the United States, thanks to many of his policies.

Jay Timmons, of the National Association of Manufacturers, said that the optimism centered on Trump’s focus on lowering taxes, cutting regulations, and investing in infrastructure. The survey also showed a jump from 26 percent of members saying that the country was on the right track before the inauguration to over 60 percent in the new survey.

“We appreciate your committment to investment and job creation in manufacturing and we’re going to deliver,” Timmons said.

Several leaders of American manufacturers joined Trump for the event, highlighting the jobs they had created in the United States.

“We’re removing job-killing regulations and lifting the burdens on American industry, like I would say have never been lifted before,” Trump said.

He noted that a lot of manufacturing jobs had been moved to places like Mexico and China. Trump previewed his upcoming meeting with the President of China at his estate in Mar-a-lago.

“It’s going to be something, I think, very important, very special, I look very much forward to meeting him and the delegation and we’ll see what happens,” he said.