Anti-abortion advocates say there are no longer any “excuses” for Republicans to delay approving legislation that would end Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding.

A letter to Congress signed by 77 pro-life leaders demands a new reconciliation bill to defund the abortion giant.

“There are no excuses for inaction,” the grassroots leaders write.

House Speaker Paul Ryan placed a provision to defund the abortion giant for one year in the American Health Care Act (AHCA). That legislation, however, failed to fully repeal Obamacare and, therefore, did not gain consensus. Now, national anti-abortion leaders want Republicans and President Donald Trump to act immediately to ensure Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding is eliminated in a separate bill.

“For years promises have been made, and the time has come to deliver,” the leaders write. “We urge you to pass a reconciliation bill that redirects Planned Parenthood funds to community health centers before the April recess.”

The abortion industry – aided by its political and media allies – have attempted to create the narrative that Planned Parenthood is a provider of “women’s healthcare,” when its primary service is abortion.

Lila Rose, president of Live Action, explains:

According to its own annual reports, Planned Parenthood does less than one percent of all Pap tests in the United States, less than two percent of all clinical breast exams, zero mammograms, and virtually no prenatal care, yet it does 34.9 percent of all U.S. abortions, killing over 320,000 preborn children every year. Former Planned Parenthood managers have provided testimonials about how the abortion giant uses quotas to push cash-making abortionsdoesn’t provide the health care it claims it does, and “treats women like cattle.”

Anti-abortion leaders are seeking to have Planned Parenthood’s current taxpayer funding redirected to other community healthcare centers that provide more comprehensive care and also outnumber the abortion chain’s clinics by at least 20 to 1.

According to the Susan B. Anthony List, “The proposal to redirect taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood would result in a $422 million increase in federal funding for community health care centers,” which currently serve at least 24.3 million people.

In the Senate, Republican Sens. Susan Collins (ME) and Lisa Murkowski (AK) have stood with Democrats to keep Planned Parenthood funded, stating concerns about women not having sufficient access to health care.

“Some contend that other health providers – such as community health centers – could fill the gap in family planning and other women’s health services if federal funding were to be cut off to Planned Parenthood,” Collins said in 2015. “If we were to defund Planned Parenthood, other family planning clinics in Maine – including community health centers – would see a 63 percent increase in their patient load.”

The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) reveals, however, that only four Planned Parenthood clinics exist in Collins’ state of Maine, while 172 community healthcare centers that provide more comprehensive care are available throughout the entire state.

Similarly, Murkowski said prior to consideration of the AHCA bill that contained the provision to defund the abortion business, “I will not vote to deny Alaskans access to the health services that Planned Parenthood provides.”

CLI shows, however, that only four Planned Parenthood clinics exist, as well, in Murkowski’s state of Alaska, while 165 community healthcare centers are available throughout that state.

Trump made four promises to his pro-life constituents:

“You have a clear path to accomplish this goal,” the anti-abortion leaders continue in the letter. “Pass a reconciliation bill that cuts off the largest funding streams for Planned Parenthood. Moreover, Congress has the votes to get it done now, and President Trump has promised his signature.”