President Donald Trump defended his political agenda after media reports highlighted a pivot to a more centrist agenda.

“Economic confidence is soaring as we unleash the power of private sector job creation and stand up for the American Workers,” Trump wrote on Twitter with the hashtag #AmericaFirst.

Some of Trump’s core supporters were surprised by his decision to launch missiles in Syria while reversing his committment to naming China as a currency manipulator. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Trump signaled his willingness to work with China in order to get assistance with the threat posed by North Korea.

“I have great confidence that China will properly deal with North Korea,” Trump wrote Thursday morning. “If they are unable to do so, the U.S., with its allies, will!”

Trump has taken a new interest in global affairs, promising to fix the mess left behind by former President Barack Obama’s efforts to restore American diplomacy.

“Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia,” he said. “At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be lasting peace!”

While Trump has had success on an executive level promoting his agenda, big issues requiring him to work with Congress remain. His effort to replace Obamacare remains unaccomplished, which is further stalling plans for major tax reform and infrastructure spending. Republicans in Congress have also signaled that they will not pursue funding for Trump’s wall on the southern border right away, leading to some discouragement from his base.

But Trump remained positive about the progress made since he was inaugurated.

“One by one we are keeping our promises – on the border, on energy, on jobs, on regulations,” Trump wrote. “Big changes are happening! Jobs are returning, illegal immigration is plummeting, law, order and justice are being restored. We are truly making America great again!”